15 October – 18 October 2014

Zin Taylor
Installation view at Frieze, London 2014
Installation view at Frieze, London 2014

Installation view at Frieze, London 2014

Steve Bishop
Homegrown Dandelions by Judith Bronte, 2014
Label maker stickers on painted aluminium, 140 x 114 cm
Homegrown Dandelions by Judith Bronte, 2014
Label maker stickers on painted aluminium, 140 x 114 cm

Steve Bishop
Please Be Able To Sleep, 2014
Label maker stickers on painted aluminium, 70 x 50 cm
Please Be Able To Sleep, 2014
Label maker stickers on painted aluminium, 70 x 50 cm

Steve Bishop
Unless You Say It For Help, 2014
label maker stickers and c-print on painted aluminium
70 x 50 cm
Unless You Say It For Help, 2014
label maker stickers and c-print on painted aluminium
70 x 50 cm

Steve Bishop
Holding Pattern, 2014
Nickel plated PVC, motor, melamine faced chipboard
110 x 28 x 84 cm
Holding Pattern, 2014
Nickel plated PVC, motor, melamine faced chipboard
110 x 28 x 84 cm

Installation view at Frieze, London 2014

Installation view at Frieze, London 2014

Installation view at Frieze, London 2014